General Liability Insurance is a leading provider of insurance solutions for wrestling promoters and venue owners. Our team of knowledgeable insurance agents specialize in helping clients obtain the right insurance policies to protect their events and assets. They work with a wide range of insurance providers to ensure that clients receive comprehensive coverage at competitive rates. Whether it's participant accident medical insurance, spectator liability insurance, or other specialized coverage, can help wrestling promoters and venues find the insurance policies that best suit their needs. With our expertise and dedication to customer service, we make it easy for clients to get the coverage they need to ensure a safe and successful pro wrestling event.

Insurance programs for pro wrestling events & promotors! is a licensed agent/broker offering accidental death and disability insurance policies issued by multiple insurance companies. We also offer event policies for wrestling shows as well as general liability insurance for wrestling schools.

We help bookers develop and distribute risk mitigation strategies and insurance solutions that fulfill requirements necessary to protect the wrestlers in the show, the promotors booking the wrestling shows, the venue's hosting the shows, and the fans attending the wrestling shows.

Professional wrestling is an incredibly demanding sport that involves a great deal of physical contact and high-impact maneuvers. Injuries are an unfortunate but inevitable part of the game, which is why comprehensive insurance programs are essential for the protection and security of pro wrestlers and their families. As a full-service brokerage, we understand the unique risks and challenges that pro wrestlers face, and we are committed to providing them with the financial support they need in the event of an injury. Our supplemental injury programs are designed to be affordable and easy to use, providing athletes with direct payments that they can use to cover medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and other related expenses. With these insurance programs in place, pro wrestlers can focus on what they do best, confident in the knowledge that they have the support they need to recover from any injuries that may occur in the ring.

Athlete Insurance

Insurance that pays your bills after you get hurt. We cover wrestlers in or out of the ring!

At our insurance brokerage, we understand that finding the right insurance coverage can be a complex and time-consuming process. That's why we take a unique approach, combining multiple insurance companies to ensure that our clients get the best possible coverage at the right price. With our customized insurance quote, you can get a comprehensive understanding of your insurance options and avoid the risk of being hit with unexpected medical bills.

Furthermore, we understand that athletes like wrestlers have unique lifestyles that require specialized insurance programs. That's why our experienced insurance brokers work closely with our clients to identify niche insurance programs that provide comprehensive coverage for their needs. These programs take into account the unique risks and challenges that come with a career in wrestling, and provide the financial protection and peace of mind that athletes need to focus on their training and competition. Whether you are a professional wrestler or a recreational athlete, our insurance brokerage has the expertise and resources you need to get the coverage you need at a price you can afford.

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